Cheers To A Peaceful New Year

Myrna Mame is for those with the most discerning taste who are looking for an alternative to "the same sort of nothing" in all areas of their lives — those who value style over fitting in, investing over spending, and treasuring over consuming.

"I love to capture moments.” - Natalie Sey

I met my dear, lovely friend, Natalie Sey, 14 years ago when I lived in Cyprus. I had never — and have still never — met anyone like her. She is the most peaceful, positive, and content person I know. She makes the most of every moment, regardless of the circumstances, and has a knack for always being present. In short, she doesn’t live a “same sort of nothing” kind of life.

Yesterday was my birthday, and because it falls in mid-January, I like to make my new year’s resolutions on my birthday and start them the day after. So as we begin 2024, I cannot think of anyone more worthy to share about contentment and positivity, two things most people want in their lives but rarely see lived out consistently over a long period of time. Natalie isn’t a self-help guru or life coach; she’s a real-life example of someone who choses, very intentionally, not to settle for the same sort of nothing. I hope you enjoy getting to know her a little and will be inspired by her words of wisdom.

Natalie, appreciating Summer flowers in the village of Platres, Cyprus.

Advice on quiet contentment.

I have found contentment happens more easily when I don’t dwell on difficulties – I accept ‘it is what it is’ and just get on with it.

My time is precious, so I make an extra effort to spend it with people whose company I genuinely enjoy. The flip side of that is, if you recognize a toxic situation, do yourself a favour and tackle it.

I also try to spend time with people I look up to, especially those with more life experience than me.  I think the older generation has so much wisdom to share.

I try to watch and listen to things which inspire me.  I also use my drive time to and from work to sing to my favourite music, or just listen and reflect on the lyrics.

A rainy day at Curium Beach, Cyprus. Who goes to the beach on a rainy day? Natalie, that’s who.

What shaped you into such a present, make-the-most-of-the-moment kind of person?

My parents both live life as an adventure. Even now in their retirement, they are the first ones up dancing if a band is playing in a hotel – often being the only ones on the dance floor.

I grew up and worked in London, [but] after moving to Cyprus, I have a deeper appreciation of the simple living. A Mediterranean way of living. Less rush, more time for family and friends. 

My faith in God has kept me grounded in times of uncertainty, I hold onto my favourite verse, Psalm 23, which reminds me to keep my eyes lifted up, even when walking through the valleys of life. 

Dog owners reading this, will also understand the simple pleasures of spending time with a faithful friend who is pure of heart, and alongside you on your best and worst days. 

Mo, with a lego friend

Favorite things.

  1. Two gifted pieces of artwork: one by Cyprus-based Michael Zilfo, a beautiful scene of Dasoudi beach (a beach in Limassol, Cyprus) and the other from UK-based Patrick Goff of Tacoma Geranium.

  2. My guest book, which I ask all my friends to sign on their first visit to my home. It’s very special to me. 

  3. My digital piano. Did you know that the heartbeats of an audience synchronise at music concerts? 

  4. And my Bible, along with a book of daily verses called Unshakeable by Christine Caine. 

Dasoudi Beach painting (Wyatt and I lived across the street from this beach, and I learned to run and did major tanning here)

My takeaways for 2024

My resolutions are pretty much the same each year. However, this year I’m resolving to be more present and less distracted. I don’t need an immediate answer on google for everything that comes to mind, and I need to set time limits on social media. I remember when I arrived back in the US from Cyprus; I was reluctant to get an iPhone. I told Wyatt that I didn’t want one because I didn’t need a handheld computer. Fast forward to today…😯.

I’m also going to continue to make an effort to let go of the urge to have my hand in everything at my office. It’s a fine line to walk between being involved and being overwhelmed — I need to figure out where the line is and start walking it.

I hope your year is off to an amazing start and that you ate your favorite treat and had champagne before the inevitable healthy living began.

I am a lawyer, wife, mom, an overcomer, collector of vintage, lover of pre-code movies and supporter of artisans. My 1964 home doesn't have a large closet. It is not full of shoes, accessories or clothes. But, you will find most items in it I've owned for years. I'm not into fast, disposable fashion. I buy quality items that I love and will last past the latest trend. I started Myrna Mame because of my love of beautiful things, artisan goods, travel and style. I have devoted my adult life thus far to the law but as I get older and face a life battling brain cancer I reflect upon my time, it is my heart's desire to pursue my passion.