Autumn/Fall 2023

Welcome to the Myrna Mame Fall Newsletter

"Life Starts All Over Again When It Gets Crisp In The Fall.”

F. Scott Fitzgerald

Myrna Mame is for those with the most discerning taste, who are looking for an alternative to “the same sort of nothing” — those who value style over conformity, investment over spending and treasuring over consumption.

For my introductory newsletter, I’m letting you in on some of my favorite Fall items. I assure you these items will elevate your life. Yes, your life. You’ll think to yourself, “How did I ever live without this?” or “Goodness, I feel pretty and fancy today.” and “My morning is so much better when my coffee temperature is just right until the last drop.”

As I started putting this list together, I couldn’t stop singing Brian McKight’s ‘Back to One.’ It just felt right. If you’re the age of my legal assistant and you don’t know who Julia Roberts is, you won’t get my intro lines. But, if you were raised in the 80s or 90s, I know you’ll be reading, singing, and grooving right along with me.

One, wool, you're like a dream come true 🎶

I once visited Ireland's oldest weaving mill, founded in 1723. I bought the most beautiful wool scarf there, which I would still cherish today had I not lost it on a trolly in Prague. Yes, I remember, it was a sad day. Fortunately, I also remember the name of the mill (Avoca), and thankfully they have international shipping. Want a scarf, a throw, wool socks, a beanie? They’ve got you covered. You’re welcome.

My favorite scarf (

Two, I just want to put on you 🎶

There is one Fall item my minimalist, wants-for-nothing husband loves and wore so often that he mentioned needing another pair because he wore a hole through the leather sole. Glerups… kind of ugly, kind of cute. During a winter vacation to Banff, Canada, we bought wool house-shoes at our hotel. I couldn’t resist them; it was freezing cold, and I had never seen anything like them. A Danish mother took a felting class, made a warm slipper for her husband, and now we are benefiting from her creativity. You can even buy them for a newborn — ridiculous, yes — but I couldn’t resist it. I’m a sucker for cute kid stuff.

The ones he loves (

I prefer the boot, but Wyatt prefers these — we agree on the leather soles

Three, Lunya, its plain to see, that you’re the only robe for me. 🎶

To keep myself cozy and warm in the Fall, I enjoy a long robe and pajamas. I've owned the same pjs and robe for years. My current robe has a few holes, but I love it. I still remember my mom’s nightwear too, although it wasn’t from Lunya…it was a holey sleep shirt that she wore every night to bed; it had a cat on it and read, “I’m fickle.” You find your perfect sleepwear and you don’t turn back. The pajamas I love are not artisan made, but they are perfection. I own several products from this company, and I’m not letting go of any of it, ever. The items are high quality, made of organic materials, and fit just right.

My next purchase (

and Four, I loved selections 1,2,3 🎶 

I understand Fall ushers in pumpkin spice latte season for some of you, but for me it’s all about the flat whites and americanos. My husband cracks up every time he orders a “tall, hot, blonde americano” from Starbucks. I remind him a short, hot, dark Native americano is better. Okay, where was I…if Fall makes you crave hot drinks, allow me to change your life. A mug that keeps an ideal drinking temperature until the last drop. No more hot coffee mouth burns, no more pressure to finish off your cold latte.

The game changer (

I really love the Rose Gold option

Five, make you fall in love with these 🎶 

I love 1920 -1930s style. Everyone dressed so elegantly. Even in movies, when characters are portrayed as poor or scandalous, they still appear more refined than many of us on an average day. Hats can be a subtle style upgrade. Last year, I purchased an artisan-made hat and wore it every day to work. While I adore it, it's too tall for my car's interior. So, this year, I'm buying a hat with a lower profile. For every-day wear, beanies can be stylish, practical, and special.

So many fabulous one-of-a-kind hats (

If ever I believe
that Fall is done
Then I'll start back at one

Thank you so much for taking the time to read my very first Myrna Mame Newsletter. I have been overwhelmed by the support and encouragement I have received from many of you — thank you. Happy Fall!

- Myrna

P.S., All of the illustrations in this newsletter were provided by Kathy Wyatt. Kathy also created by my logo — she’s phenomenal. You can see more of her work at

I am a law firm owner, wife, mother, overcomer, vintage collector, pre-code movie enthusiast, and a supporter of artisans. My1964 master closet is pretty small and most items in it have been with me for years. I avoid fleeting, disposable fashion and trends. When I purchase, I choose quality items I love that will last past the trends.

I have devoted my career thus far to the law and a lawyer I will always be. But, facing a life battling brain cancer caused me to reflect on my time and the pursuit of my passions. My love for beautiful things, artisan goods, travel, and style led me to create Myrna Mame.